Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Who says I let the cat out of the bag?


Celebration of Life said...

Cute cat and picture!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

That's a naughty tt! really cute!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

love you and your family!

Tammy Bowers said...

I am ready for the next inspirational post and the re-start of our crit group. I just read Christina Berry's blog, which referred me to Miriam's blog, which was about spurring one another on. She related that scripture to her crit group.

That's what we need. Spur each other on. Let's getting writing! Consider your butt prodded into action! I'm heading over to Ernie's blog to give him a kick in the keester too.

Also, we need a better name for our group. Since you are no longer in the NW, our NW name doesn't work anymore. The name of Christina's group is Redeemed Writers. What a great name. Let's dust off our thinking caps and come up with something really cool and clever, okay?

Blessings and chapters coming!

Chuck fka: Meanie said...

Happee Buffday, Whyneetuh!
Ant Eweez bwog haz yo picktow on it! hehehe

Happy Birthday, dear Lynetta!
Aunt Jo

Lynetta said...

Thank you, Meanie. When's your birthday?

Celebration of Life said...

that cat is "on target" and I am ready for you to write another post!
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Aunt Jo