Sunday, October 25, 2009

Inspiration, Part 1: Writing Practice

Some of my earliest writing was inspired by my Grandma Lil. My Mom recently gave me a handmade (circa 1978) book I'd written about a baby and my grandparents from Grandma's things. The cover was made with a piece of pink construction paper folded unevenly in half. Sadly, I've never developed any more drawing skill than the stick figures on those yellowed pages. I have, however, improved my writing since the first grade. I have far to go, but I will never want to stop learning the craft.

I got lots of writing practice in correspondence with Grandma. She used to write the best letters! I loved to race inside from the mailbox with an envelope addressed to me in her meticulous handwriting. Reading the details of her days, I could picture her there in her big house, watching the turkeys and deer out the picture windows. She'd tell me how many eggs she'd gotten that day and if they'd heard another bobcat in the distance. Since she lived three hours away, I didn't get to talk with her in person nearly enough, but she made up for it by keeping in touch.

In turn, I'd write her about my days. I always started like this:

Dear Grandma,

How are you?

One time she mentioned that it was funny I started that way. I think it was about third grade or so. It made a lasting impression on me, because from then on I tried to think of more imaginative ways of starting all my letters. I guess you could say she was my first writing critiquer! She also used to chide me about my penmanship, but that hasn't improved much, either. (Thank God for computers!)

When we did get together, we'd play Scrabble, her favorite game. I don't think I ever beat her, but she taught me some of the weird words, like qoa. It expanded my vocabulary.

In the end, she couldn't write anymore. She'd never owned a computer or sent an email and I think she was proud of that fact! It was hard to see her deteriorating in mental and physical capacity. I don't know when the letters stopped; they just gradually tapered off.

She could read, though. I remember her being excited for me while writing my first novel. She told me I had to send her a free copy :-) I was about 25. (Still working on that first book contract, Grandma!)

Later on, I actually had some work published, but when I presented it to her, she curtly told me she didn't read anymore. That came as a slap because 1) it wasn't true--she read the newspaper every day. 2) She was the one who encouraged my dream of writing.

I knew it was because of her diminished mental state, a result of the strokes that took away most of her short term memory and affected her moods. The only thing to do was to remember who she was before she got sick and let the comment roll off my back.

That is why, years after her passing, I treasure my first book. I've tossed quite a few of my projects over the years, but the worn and yellowed pages she kept for almost three decades--a symbol of her support--will forever be part of my writing library. Thanks, Grandma Lil!

This is the first in a series of posts on people who've encouraged me in my writing. Whatever I achieve, it will be to God's glory first, then to those angels He sent to spur me along.


Tammy Bowers said...

I love this new series you are doing. I was inspired and reminded of my own grandma who encouraged me to write and read lots.

Two things: I'd like to read that first book. And second, PLEASE keep this inspirational people series going. I love it.

Celebration of Life said...

Very nice, Lynetta! Grandma Lil would be proud!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

I'm glad she encouraged you in your writing! Loves to you and your family!

Lynetta said...

Tammy- thank you! I'm glad it inspired you. I try to read or listen to some bit of inspiration every day.

Aunt Jo & Ellie - yes, she was an encouragement to us all for whatever we were doing. I miss her!

Preity Angel... said...

Loved your post...very nice!

Preity Angel... said...

Loved your post...very nice!

Lynetta said...

Thank you, Preity Angel! I liked some of your lunch ideas on your blog too--what a special way to show love for your kids :)