Thursday, October 2, 2008

Saved by Lipstick!

As if Monday's bill wasn't insulting enough to the American people, the Senate decided to "sweeten" up the deal by adding all sorts of pork to it. Now, in addition to $700 Billion dollars, we the taxpayers will get to pay for all sorts of new programs and projects tacked on.

I guess a couple Senators from Tennessee aren't interested in another term. They may think we'll forget all about it before they come up for reelection in a couple of years, but some prominent and outspoken Tennesseans (and little ol' me) aren't going to let it go.

My Representative voted "no" in the House, so we'll see if he caves or not this next go around. As of now, he's got my vote in November...the first time I've voted for a democrat--ever.

And what about the presidential nominees?

"Let's not call it a bailout, let's call it a rescue," Senator McCain says. Puhleeze. So, if you take a pig, make it even fatter, and put lipstick on it, it's not a 700 Billion Dollar barrel of pork? What happened to, "I'll make 'em famous" for the first person who tried to pass a bill with earmarks?

Senator Obama voted yes on the bill, too. More wasteful spending, billions of dollars to special interests, fiscal help for the rich... Is this the kind of change we need? I don't think so! Talk about "lockstep with Bush."

I'm mad, ya'll...And neither major party candidate will get my vote. Yeah, I know that McCain will still probably take Tennessee in the election, anyway. But this year I'm voting on principle. Hopefully the House will do the same. If ever a bill needed to be killed, it's this one.

If you want a common sense approach to the financial crisis, click here.


A.Bananna said...

wow. you are fired up! LOL.

This election is tuff. Really tuff! Have a great day! I love you!!

ps. You will have to come here sometime and join us in all our fun!

Tammy Bowers said...

Yeah, this is a tough one, but I gotta go with the pro-life guy & gal duo. Can't stand horible & hideous abortions, so I refuse to vote for anyone who supports it. That's the issue that gets me fired up!!!! Seems like we all have at least one thing that pushes our buttons!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

i have to go with the majority of issues that i agree with...economy, health care, college and school funding/education, NCLB initiative, the war...

but i have enjoyed the SNL clips! lol

Lynetta said...

Tammy, I hear you...that's a big issue for me, too. It's more likely that McCain would appoint conservative judges than Obama, but he's done some pretty wild things in his career. I would hope he would, though!

Ellie, the SNL clips are hilarious! Tina Fey is a funny lady. It doesn't matter who's in the white house, though...they will never be as responsible with my money as I could be. I've never relied on them for anything, even when I was a single parent going to college. I found my own health care, used well-earned GI tuition benefits, and worked my rear end off to house and feed my kids. I don't particularly care for 40% of my paycheck going towards those who feel entitled to it, just because they breathe. I am okay, however, with funding our troops to protect our nation from aggressors. (Not torturing them, though!) Both major parties have failed, big time, by not using our tax dollars wisely. It's time for a viable third party!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

i'm grateful for the money available by the government to help my 3 kids and i while i was in college. i'm not ashamed, i'm grateful.